Freshmen: Viggo Sorensen and Yannis Paluan

Both Viggo and Yannis have additional jobs other than starring in Freshmen scenes – Yannis as production manager and Viggo as cameraman. This time together enabled the two to develop quite an intimate relationship. The rest of the film crew thought it a mistake when Yannis asked a fellow model’s council on how to bring their relationship to the next level. They felt Sven’s advice “Grab him, push him against a wall and fuck him” was perhaps a little too direct. However, it seemed to have worked out perfectly in grabbing Viggo’s attention.

| Want to see more of Viggo & Yannis? Click here |

Freshmen: Eluan Jeunet and Yannis Paluan: Part 1

Eluan and Yannis are relatively new models over at Freshmen, so the crew decided to give them the opportunity to prove their mettle by performing the logistics during their recent Budapest Adventure series. As a reward for their hard work, the crew decided it would be appropriate to allow them to introduce themselves to the Freshmen audience with a two-part scene together. It starts with Eliot kindly giving his own apartment for the boys to stay in for the month. The boys put it to good use. Part One below features Yannis getting fucked by Eluan’s big dick and in Part Two tomorrow, they reverse their roles. Let’s see how the boys start their very first production together!

| Want to see more of Eluan & Yannis: Pt 1? Click here |