Freshmen: Viggo Sorensen and Yannis Paluan

Both Viggo and Yannis have additional jobs other than starring in Freshmen scenes – Yannis as production manager and Viggo as cameraman. This time together enabled the two to develop quite an intimate relationship. The rest of the film crew thought it a mistake when Yannis asked a fellow model’s council on how to bring their relationship to the next level. They felt Sven’s advice “Grab him, push him against a wall and fuck him” was perhaps a little too direct. However, it seemed to have worked out perfectly in grabbing Viggo’s attention.

| Want to see more of Viggo & Yannis? Click here |

Freshmen: Andre Boleyn and Fabien Jacq

Fabian Jacq is cast as a twinky newbie in this scene from Freshmen and as such he is the bottom for this encounter and the much more experienced Andre Boleyn plays things a bit gentler than he would normally. But, as Fabien seems to have no trouble handling the girth of his buddy’s cock, perhaps Andre could have gone harder! However, Fabien’s blissfully happy smile the entire time he’s being fucked indicates that Andre did everything exactly right.

| Want to see more of Andre & Fabian? Click here |